What is a Business Coach?

Business coaching explained

Like sports coaches and personal trainers, a good Business Coach will help motivate, encourage and drive you to success, providing accountability and keeping you focused on the ultimate goal. But it’s important to note that your coach should also help you to strike a balance between your own personal and professional well-being.

Let’s chat

Every great business has a coach

No matter how high-up in the echelons, every successful business leader has a coach in some form or another.

Some have personal “mentors,” others have a Board of Advisors, a Chairman of the Board and so on. Even Bill Gates, one of the richest men in the world, would seek counsel from Warren Buffet, the “Oracle of Omaha.”

Large corporate CEOs have resources to attract professional Boards of Advisors that the rest of us simply do not. So what is the small business owner to do?
This is where professional Business Coaching comes into play.

A professional Business Coach is able to take a holistic look at your entire business — finances, marketing, sales, logistics, operations, personnel, leadership and more — and identify problems and provide solutions.

Why We Exist

To improve the lives and businesses of our clients.

To help them build businesses they love leading and create lives they love living.

Let’s chat

man in white dress shirt sitting beside woman in black long sleeve shirt

What is small business coaching?

Coaching is more than just problem solving

A good Business Coach will help an owner strike that elusive balance between personal and professional well-being.

A Coach will identify what the owner wants out of life and then build a roadmap to achieve it. A good Business Coach will be able to address the details of specific issues and also see the big picture and help steer the business itself in new directions.

Coaching is more than just problem solving

Business Coaches have “seen it all.” Chances are the issues you face are not unique and are the same types of issues that have plagued many owners before you.

Because of their breadth of experience, having worked with hundreds of other business owners like yourself in the past, a Business Coach is able to draw upon a wealth of knowledge and expertise to help uncover the underlying problems and issues and then formulate solutions.

Coaches employ systems and processes

Even in situations that might be new, unique or otherwise particular challenging, a professional Business Coach will be able to employ a methodical approach to dissecting business problems and determining the best courses of action.

A good business coach knows the right questions to ask, and has a solid and proven methodology for drilling down through the layers of complexity to arrive at the ultimate truth of the situation.

Business coaches are objective

A good Business Coach is able to step back and “see the forest for the trees” so to speak. Where a business owner may be “too close to it” to be able to identify a problem, the Business Coach will be able to look at a situation with fresh eyes.

The Business Coach will also not be influenced by emotional issues, attachment to previous decisions, and so forth. The coach will be able to look at an issue and see it for what it is, without the emotions and past histories clouding judgment.

Have a question about coaching?

Call 401-762-2430 or drop us an email… let’s start a conversation and help your small business today!